Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Boo Fucking Hoo

Hello. My name is Ken. I am a 26 year old white heterosexual male.

I am so sick of white people complaining about how tough it is to be white.

What made me start this blog? I have been learning a lot over the last year or so what it means to be on the privileged side of society, and how badly us white folk are straight up fucking over everyone else to keep it that way. I've had to walk away from most of the people I called friends because they were on the wrong side of everything. All this has been building and building over the last year, but most recently, today I read the following news story:

NYC cab driver stabbed because he is Muslim

To sum it up, a man asked a cab driver in NYC if he was a Muslim, and the driver responded in the affirmative. The passenger then said in Arabic “Consider this a checkpoint” and proceeded to stab the driver in the neck and face and arms with a Leather-man.

Fucking awful. Shocking, but not that surprising considering all of the race-baiting xenophobia being manufactured in that city currently because them durn moslems r building a terrorist assembly line on the graves of dead 9/11 victims.

This was not enough for me to get pissed off enough to start writing about it.

What I do when I hear about terrible things like this, is go to other blogs and forums that are center-right to all the way batshit Libertarian nutjob land and see how they are reacting to whatever bit of terrible that comes up on one of my many news aggregators.

What I found on Free Republic was just so infuriating that I had to get up and walk away from my computer:

This is a hate crime....hundreds of black youths attacking white folks at the Iowa State Fair is not....that is all....”

Boo Fucking Hoo. If I had to describe white people in four words: “FUCK YOU, GOT MINE”

It's Dr. Laura complaining about having to worry about a “special interest group” when she goes on a racist rant where the usage of the N word more than 10 times IS THE LEAST RACIST PART. It's Sarah Palin, her fucking stupid followers, who encouraged “Dr.” Laura to reload rather than retreat (totally oblivious to the fact that Sarah Palin and those white people whipped up into a froth recently lost their collective shit over someone else on the other side ((the side that wants to make everyone gay and force abortions on grandma)) said the word retard). It's Glenn Beck and his group of idiots who are flipping out over an Islamic Community center in Manhattan and how it's so fucking insensitive when, not even pausing to take a breath in between, extoll and promote the fact that they are going to have a rally on the Lincoln Memorial on the anniversary of Dr. King's “I Have a Dream” speech.

It's all this bullshit. All of it that makes me embarrassed to be a white male. While all this bullshit is going on, just FIVE years ago, we all sat and watched as all the brown folks down south get left for dead during Katrina. We watched cops shooting the colored people that were “looting” food because the white people in power were too busy patting each other on the back for a job well done on getting all the rich white folks out in time.

I am sorry this is so all over the place, I am just really pissed off.

I guess I'll just leave the three people that will read this with one thought:

Rich, powerful white men became rich and powerful and stay that way because they learned a long time ago to teach the poor, powerless white men to be terrified and hate the even poorer and even less powerful brown men.

Hopefully, I'll calm down a little bit over the next few days and put something coherent together.


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